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Showing posts from July, 2021
 U.S. Department of Labor Announces Proposed Rulemaking to Implement Executive Order, Increase Wages for Workers on Government Contracts.  U.S. Department of Labor (07/21/21) The U.S. Department of Labor has announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to establish standards and procedures to implement and enforce Executive Order 14026, “Increasing the Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors,” signed by President Joe Biden on April 27.  The Executive Order will increase the minimum wage for workers performing work on or in connection with covered federal contracts to $15 per hour beginning Jan. 30, 2022; continue to index the federal contract minimum wage in future years to an inflation measure; ensure a $15 minimum wage for workers with disabilities performing work on or in connection with covered contracts; and restore minimum wage protections to outfitters and guides operating on federal lands. The department invites comments from the public on the proposed rule at The co
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