Our freight factoring product is non-recourse and ideal for startup trucking and transportation companies, even if they are owner-operators starting with just one truck. Factoring allows you to offer credit to your customers for up to 90 days, but you don't have to wait 90 days for payment. ADVANTAGES High advances on freight bills Non-recourse factoring (We assume the credit risk ) Flexible terms / Competitive rates (Our objective is to beat our competition) Programs customized to your needs You choose which invoices to factor 24/7 free online credit checks Online reporting Invoice generator Invoices are submitted electronically (little or no extra paperwork) Fuel Card Fuel Advances Excellence in customer service FUEL PROGRAM Universal acceptance at more than 6,400 truck stops in the U.S. and Canada Fuel discounts in over 1,900 locations No minimum usage requirements Low, simple transaction fees Online card maintenance and account management tools 24/7 customer service GET STARTED
How are trucking factoring companies doing? As you probably noticed, the trucking factoring industry has become very competitive. Trucking factors are constantly improving customer service and searching for ways to better service their customers. In general, a trucking factor is a good guy who specializes in providing the needed cash to their customers with a sincere desire to help the customer. Give us your feedback: How happy are you with your existing factoring company? What else can trucking factors do to better service their clients? What would you like to see in ways of improvements in the trucking factoring industry? We welcome your comments. Thank you.